#46 Four Seasons by Ellen Levinson

Four Seasons by Ellen Levinson

2018 Cat’N Around Catskill – Cat #46

Veronica Chewens Photography: 2018 Catskill Cats &emdash; 46 Four Seasons (2) Veronica Chewens Photography: 2018 Catskill Cats &emdash; 46 Four Seasons Veronica Chewens Photography: 2018 Catskill Cats &emdash; 46 Four Seasons (3)

Sponsored by: RC Lacy


Description: Four seasons, spring: flower’s & butterflies. Winter pond on top of head. Summer scene, pond in crook of tail. Fall pumpkins and much more.

About the Artist: Ellen grew up on Long Island and began painting and crafting at an early age with her father. She studied drawing and oil painting with Charles Pasqualina at the Roslyn School of Painting. In 1996 she moved to Catskill with her family and continued to craft and quilt. In 2005 she took up watercolor painting and fell in love with the medium. She has exhibited extensively throughout the area. Her inspiration comes from local landscapes and trips to the southwest deserts. When her works bring joy to others it makes it all worthwhile.